Week 8 - Cubist Poetry
My Opinions Regarding Nighttime
Can I tell you something? Can I? Can will.
There is too much.
Too much?
Too much very much too much.
Can I just
Can I just alone.
Alone is almost very always alone dark can I?
No, I'm not. No really! Can I tell you something?
Dark and with arm, arm at my bed
Shadow everything everywhere, everything everywhere shadow.
Can I just tell you something alone?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, absolutely everything, and then absolutely nothing
Can I just tell you? Nothing, nothing, everything and nothing
Always heat, shadow. Maybe then, maybe then now? Maybe then later. Maybe then while.
Too much? Possibly maybe dark, shadow, always alone.
She told me dark and alone and now is never never always later
Can I? I don't want to maybe yes maybe no.
That arm, that arm at my bed. Nothing, nothing, nothing maybe everything.
Too much? Always too much but also never enough dark enough shadow
Shadow, shadow, shadow
Flashlight alone! Can I tell you something right now?
Trying. Waiting, trying, waiting, trying, dark a lot of dark a lot of shadow
She told me! She said yes and now dark alone but waiting
Waiting but dark alone, I will not tell her
Can I?
Should? Too much. Too dark!
Waiting. Should but maybe no, maybe arm will
Can I tell you something? Will? Nothing.
Shadow, flashlight maybe but shouldn't, waiting still but maybe not.
Waiting. But what! Can I tell you some? No?
Arm, arm waiting
No shadow no light! Small light small flashlight, can I?
Dark is never not here but always gone.
Heat, heat and shadow. And end!
Can I tell you something?
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