Poems from Final Project

Listed below are the poems I have written on my final 3D project for this class. I'm posting this in case any of my writing is illegible or the written words are damaged to the point of it being unreadable.


What did the rose do to become so critically acclaimed?
It saturates gardens, dresses, jewelry
It douses novels, poetry, and letters in its sweet perfume
Placing its petals gently across the streets of our towns
Not asking for attention or devotion
But rather having it thrust upon them for nothing more than being beautiful

Is there no love for tiger lilies and their freckled lips?
Or bluebells, which pour endlessly across hills in the spring
Dancing and singing to the world in endless ecstasy
What about carnations, and their wild frenzy of petals?
What have these flowers done to go unnoticed?
What more can they do to be loved?

Is it the sharpness of roses that excite us?
Their thorns glisten against the rich maroons of the flower
Threatening blood if you grasp on too tightly
Why would we prefer this flower if we know the risk that comes with it?
Is the flower beautiful enough to prefer against one softer, kinder?
Why is its beauty so entrancing that we will spend hundreds just to grasp them in our hands?

We have the options of hundreds of flowers
Bursting from the ground, inviting us to bask in their soft and gentle joy
And yet we veer to the one that threatens us the most
The dramatic, bold flourish of red that taunts us with its beauty
Promising lust, adventure, and tireless romance
The one that lures us in with empty promises of splendor
Leaving us with nothing but stinging cuts on our fingers


A falling star is a first kiss, diving deeper each moment you find one, feeling luckier with each passing second, never knowing if it will be your last

I don’t understand you
Your long, spindly legs stretch so far yet you tuck them neatly underneath you
Your mouth occupies the majority of your body yet you speak with only your throat
You live your life in water yet you cannot breathe submerged
You use your eyes to swallow your food as well as to see

You seem so vulnerable
Your eardrums attached to your head like earmuffs
Your eyes bulging far too wide with no way to protect them
Your way of eating is chaotic, based on estimation and luck
You breathe through your skin, the only thing covering more area than your mouth
Your design seems so flawed
You cannot fight
You can only jump, praying there is water nearby to escape to
How have you gone this long?
How have have outlived the dinosaurs?
How have you escaped demise from the human race?

It seems impossible to me that you are not only alive
But that there are billions just like you in the world
Existing just as you do
In a body I can only describe as baffling
Living a life more confusing than my own
I’d wish you luck in your life
Though I feel as though it’s needless
Because the world is built against you
It gave you too much mouth and not enough neck
And a way of life that just seems flawed
Yet you not only exist, you thrive
I commend you, I really do
And wish you the best
Because the best is not what you have been given



Your footsteps shake the very ground you walk on
You hold so much power and strength
You have the capacity to destroy everything around you
Why do you never use it?


The world has killed your family and friends
We’ve taken your tusks and worn them as jewelry
We’ve put you in cages and exploited your majesty
The world has abused your gentle grace


They say that you’re very intelligent
That your memory is far better than even mine
That you can recognize yourself in the mirror
So wouldn’t you know what we’ve done to you?


You radiate calm and patience
Never needing to rush or to panic
Despite the dwindling world around you
I hope you never know that fear


We don’t have the right to keep you captive
Or try to take your life for ourselves
We have barely earned the privilege of seeing you at all
Or hearing your footsteps quake across the earth



One night in fifth grade I sat at my kitchen table
A pencil in hand, inspiration coursing through me, I went to work
I tried desperately to materialize this image in my head
It’s not working
Why isn’t it working?
I can see what I want in my head, why isn’t it working?
I snap the tip of the pencil and rip through the page
Furious at the world and at myself
I can’t draw this dragon on the first try? Fine!
I’ll never draw dragons again.

In seventh grade I sat in my art class
My skill at the time gave me an undeserved superiority complex
I thought I could draw anything
Until my teacher showed me the drawings he made
The pages were riddled with fantastical creatures
Unicorns, centaurs, fairies, dragons-
Jesus, how can he draw dragons like that?
How did he figure out their heads?
Why can’t I make something like that?
I’m almost 13 and I still don’t know!
I should know how to draw dragons by now
Yanno what? No!
I just wasn’t meant to draw dragons
I will never, EVER draw dragons again.

Late spring of my senior year, I sit in my room
Homework complete, I relaxed at my desk
Absently doodling on a scrap of notebook paper
I think of all the moments of rage over this stupid little creature
And sketch out a dragon once more
Curled into a ball, spiked tail curled around him in peace
Little tendrils of smoke puff gently from his nose
With a warm sense of pride I examine this drawing
This creature I spent hours raging over
And breathe a sigh of relief
It only took me like, 8 years,
But I finally figured out how to draw dragons

The following year, around the same time, I sit in my dorm
Beaming at my own excitement for my final project
Origami! Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner?
I mull over every creature and creation I’m capable of folding together
I find a tutorial of an origami dragon and grin
God, these things used to drive me crazy
I pull out a sheet of paper and get to work
Squash folds, petal folds, crimp folds… inverted reverse folds?
Wait wait HOW do you do that?
Oh my god, I ripped the paper again
Why is this so hard?
I crumple and the paper and pout

I really need to stop trying to make dragons.


It’s early
The water is glass
It balances delicately across the horizon
We hold our breath and drift across its surface
Afraid that any noise would shatter it into pieces
A mourning dove soothes the water with its soft cooing
The landscape is painted with deep greens and pale pinks

I used to be so afraid of you
Of your seemingly endless depth
Of whatever lurks below coming to take me away
But on this little boat I know I’m safe
And I know that whatever exists below wants nothing more than peace
So we will try to stay quiet for you

Other boats drift past as hesitantly as ours
We wave and nod, careful not to disturb you
Though we both know that this soft lullaby will not last
Someone will decide the lake is theirs to have
And slash the water open with their violent motors

The mourning doves will close their songbooks
The fish will stir and begin their busy day
And more boats and motors will come to ruin it all
The waves will rise and grow angry
Until many won’t be able to swim anymore

But for now we will hold our breath a little longer
Savoring every quiet little moment we have
And we’ll watch the pink turn to blue
And feel the air lose its chill
And just


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