Week 4 - Continuing Symbolism

          A poem is good for indulging artistic expression in a way that is not entirely visual. It is a way to better express more abstract emotions and situations in a way that is more pleasing and interesting to read than if you had picked up a more academic explanation. In addition, it's something that connects people together with their feelings and experiences in a way that a more visual artistic expression may not be able to do. 
          The most difficult part about writing a symbolist poem was avoiding writing it too blatantly or realistically. For example, I chose to focus on a scarf for the symbol of jealousy and control in a relationship, and I felt it was often difficult to do so in a way that wasn't making it seem that either the boyfriend was actually physically strangling his partner with the scarf, or that it was far too obvious that the scarf is the symbol in the poem. However, despite my difficulties writing this poem, I felt that it went far better than expected. I found it especially difficult to create an effective form for the poem, and the addition of various literary devices made the process all the more difficult. Aside from that, though, I felt that I made my point in the poem very clearly and effectively, and did so in an organized and consistent way. In the future I'd like to incorporate some kind of rhyme scheme, or at the very least develop a more structured form to the poem so it is a little bit smoother to read than the poem I had written. 


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